Thursday, August 28, 2008

a new season

well, it's been a long time since i blogged...too long. a lot has been on my calendar these last couple of months. working a lot at the schoolbox to get through vacations and injuries. we have spent lots of evenings outdoors roasting hot dogs and s'mores, lots of time cleaning and having a huge garage sale. a family wedding in Phoenix and going to the WATCH Convention in Seattle at SPU were two of the highlights of our summer. steve's sister got married and all four of us were in it. great times swimming, getting pretty, taking tons of pics and basking in the 110 + degrees.

WATCH stands for Washington Association of Teaching Christian Homes, yes it's a homeschool organization. we are moving into the realm of being a homeschool family! this year we will homeschool a 6th grader and a 4th grader. completely new territory for us, so we beefed ourselves up with a training course, this convention, a lot of prayer and searching materials to train up our girls the way God intends and we are off on the ride of our lives! the girls are so excited to be home and learning what they want to learn. i am enjoying the idea of getting to know them better. daddy is happy that we are on track and doing what God wants for this family. he really is a great father.

steve has been planning a side business for us that involves buying and reselling cars...he's got good ideas and motivation. we'll see where it takes us.

i started on a mini-album project after getting my hands on the Simple Scrapbooks special issue, Mini-Albums in an evening. great magazine for those of us that get more done if it involves a mini of anything! seems like i can finish one of those in no time, as opposed to the endless 12x12 layouts that go in all sorts of albums that seem to never have an ending.

happy back to school season! happy end of august season! happy welcome to a new thing season!