Wednesday, May 14, 2008

an end to winter

never thought i would see the end of winter, but here it is. got this picture on the bridge leaving town. i had passed it and then turned around in a big circle, parked on the bridge and snapped it with my kids in the car, thinking their mom had gone crazy. sometimes you have to do the crazy to get a good picture. one that captures your everyday life. like this sunset that always happens over this river, everytime i cross it going home. now i have it in print. i have determined not to pass by these occurances, but to record them. savor them. remember them.

so, what occurances have you been passing over lately? not just picture events, but real life occurances.

cuddle time with your kids? flowers in bloom? phone calls to friends/family? an extra cup of coffee with your spouse? a chat with your neighbor? a hello to your cashier?

Take some time today and really live in the now of your life. dont get too caught up in the "have-tos" and miss the "get-tos" that come your way. some day the "get-tos" will be "used-tos" and they will just be memories. make them memories with meaning, not just memories from wishful thinking.

so, here's to remembering to BE A PART OF YOUR NOW.
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